Surely, you have heard about cash advance loans. You see the ads everywhere you turn on the radio, television, newspaper, and even the internet. Cash loans offer a fast and easy way to borrow money right when you need it. People obtain these types of loans for a variety of reasons such as medical expenses, vehicle repairs, covering a bounced check, or other short-term emergencies, when you simply do not have the cash on hand. Before you run out to take advantage of cash advance loans there are many aspects to consider.
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If you need a little money to tide you over until you are paid again, cash loans may be the answer. These loans are based upon how often you get paid, weekly, bi-weekly, twice a month, or monthly. When you go to obtain these loans, you will be required to bring proof of identity, such as a driver's license or state issued photo identification. You will also be required to show proof of employment, typically this is done with two to three of your most recent paychecks. The company may require the name and telephone number of your employer, so that they can call to verify that you do indeed work there.
You will also be required to provide proof of your checking account, which is a requirement for these loans. This means bringing not only your checkbook, but also at least two of your most recent bank statements when you go to apply for a loan. You see cash advance loans are typically guaranteed with a post dated check. In most cases, you will be required to write a check, made out to the company providing the cash advance loans, for the amount of the loan repayment, plus any fees charged. The date on the check will coincide with the date of your next payday.
You do have choices when it comes to payment. If on the date of your next payday, you find that you simply cannot afford to pay off the entire loan, you will have the option of rolling the loan over. To do this you will be required to pay the fees charged by the company offering the loans. Most cash advance loans will allow you to do this three times. After the third time, you will be required to pay not only the fees, but specific amounts towards the principle of the loan as well.